What’s The Best Exercise?

Walk for Exercise

The best exercise we can do is walking. Stand up straight, swing your arms and walk as long as you like. It’s a good idea to walk on a trail or a grass field to lessen impact on our lower extremities. The uneven surface also gently challenges and improves our balance.

Visit here to learn more about McKnight Road neck and back pain relief. See this site for information about a neck and lower back pain relief chiropractor near me.

Radiating Arm Pain Relief

Radiating Arm Pain Relef

Many people experience excruciating arm pain which begins in the neck or upper shoulder and then proceeds to radiate into the arm, forearm, hand and fingers. They are desperate for radiating arm pain relief. This article will discuss pain that radiates into the arm,

it’s causes and treatment options.

Pain that radiates into the arm can be a strong ache, burning pain, numbness or tingling or a variety of other symptoms. The pain can be occasional, fairly frequently or constant. Some people experience minor annoyance, for others it can be all consuming. No matter the intensity or frequency most, if not all, people would prefer to be rid of the discomfort.

The first step in gaining radiating arm pain relief is to determine what is causing the condition.

The most frequent reason people get pain radiating into the arm is a pinched nerve from a disc problem in the neck.

Let’s further examine this. We all know that there are bones of the spine in the neck. They are called cervical vertebrae. There are seven cervical vertebrae. Between the cervical vertebrae are intervertebral disc’s which are like pads or shock absorbers. The spinal canal is found within the vertebrae. It is like a tube that transmits nerves that run from the brain to the rest of the body. Between each cervical vertebrae is an opening on the right and left from which spinal nerves exit and travel to the rest of the body. Five sets of spinal nerves exit the lower cervical spine and travel into the arm.

Normally, there is no impingement of these nerves and thus no pain. However, sometimes the disks can become irritated, protruding, bulged or herniated. This is simply some part of the intravertebral disc that comes in contact with a cervical spinal nerve and causes a physical, mechanical contact that irritates the spinal nerve.

When this occurs, it causes pain of varying types, frequency and intensity. A layman’s description of this is to call it a “pinched nerve.”

A very effective treatment for pain that radiates down the arm is through chiropractic care. A 2013 research study involving 50 patients who had radiating arm pain from a cervical disc were treated with chiropractic therapy. At two weeks 50% reported they were “better” or “much better.” After one month 69% reported improvement and that percentage increased to 85% at three months. This study recognizes that most radiating arm pain can be treated successfully through conservative care. Research also indicates chiropractic care for radiating arm pain relief should be tried before surgery.

Chiropractors are healthcare providers, that specialize in relieving spinal neck pain and radiating arm pain. Chiropractors are the only professionals trained to diagnose and treat physical, mechanical alignment problems of spine pain. Most patients who go to chiropractors find that having a chiropractic treatment is a safe, pleasant experience because it relieves pinched nerves by correcting the spinal misalignment of the cervical vertebrae and corrects spinal disc impingement. Chiropractic care is a very safe, gentle method for gaining pain relief.

If someone is having radiating pain that travels from the neck into the arm it would certainly be prudent to visit with a chiropractor to determine if they can achieve radiating arm pain relief.

Visit here to learn more about McKnight Road neck and back pain relief. See this site for information about a neck and lower back pain relief chiropractor near me.


Lacy Renner


Neck and upper back pain causing headaches


Taking medication to alleviate pain and headaches


I conducted research of ways to help with headache pain because I did not like depending on medication.  Chiropractic care was a recommendation in several articles.


It has made me less dependent on medication and has relieved a lot of the pain and headaches I was experiencing.  I can enjoy activities and time with my daughter more.


Yoga, exercise, gardening, travel, and spending time with my family.


It has allowed me to enjoy doing things and live life to the fullest without pain and downtime from not feeling well.


When you feel better it really helps your overall mood and outlook on life.


Do not give up until you find what works for you- something will.  A healthy body leads to a healthy mind and soul.

Visit here to learn more about McKnight Road back pain relief. See this site for information about a neck pain relief chiropractor near me.

Sciatica Pain Relief

Sciatica Pain Relief

We’ve all heard the term “sciatica.” Anyone who’s had it knows it is one of the most painful conditions that can be experienced. This article will describe sciatica, it’s cause, and a safe, gentle form of treatment that allows the avoidance of back surgery.

Strictly speaking, sciatica involves the pinching of the sciatic nerve. Five smaller nerves exit the lower spine and merge together to form the sciatic nerve. It is the largest nerve in the body (about the size of a finger) and also the longest nerve of the body, with fibers running from the lower back to the toes. Pain of the sciatic nerve is termed “sciatica.”

Sciatica, many times, is caused by a problem with a lower back intervertebral disc. These discs can bulge, herniate, rupture or protrude backward and come in contact with smaller nerves or the sciatic nerve itself. The symptoms of sciatica include lower back pain, pain in the buttocks, and pain down the side or back of the thigh, calf and foot. Numbness and tingling can also occur in the lower extremity.

Diagnosis of sciatica begins with a doctor taking history and performing a physical exam. Typically x-rays and possibly MRI imaging is obtained. Treatment can take many routes but seeing a chiropractor for care is a non-surgical, drug-free approach that many will follow.

Chiropractors address sciatica by looking for the cause of the problem. As noted earlier, discs of the spine are involved. They typically become compressed and put pressure on the sciatic nerve. Therefore, a common form of treatment utilized by chiropractors is traction to decompress the intravertebral discs. Other conservative treatment modalities may involve the use of cold packs to decrease inflammation, electrical muscle stimulation to relax muscles in spasm, and gentle chiropractic manipulations to realign malpositions of the spine and pelvis.

Chiropractors can also apply deep pressure, trigger point therapy, to muscles in the hip area and along the lower spine.

Lifestyle recommendations and home exercises can be an important part of healing. Since a disc problem causing sciatica is usually worse in the morning it is important that patients begin their day slowly with a very gentle warm-up routine. Those suffering from sciatica find that allowing their back to warm-up makes the rest of the day go a lot easier.

Chiropractic care for sciatica generally takes several weeks to several months in duration. Since the cause of the problem originates in the lower back, any discomfort that travels down the leg is called radiating pain. During the course of healing most patients will start to see a decrease of their leg pain. This is a positive sign, and it is usually just a matter of time and treatment before the pain is fully eliminated.

The good news is that for over 125 years chiropractors have been helping patients heal from sciatica. Check with your chiropractor first before electing for surgery. Safe, gentle chiropractic care for sciatic nerve pain relief is, for many, the best approach.

Visit here to learn more about McKnight Road sciatica pain relief. See this site for information about a sciatic nerve pain relief chiropractor near me.

Wouldn’t It Be Easier To Live Without Tension Headaches?

Tension Headache Pain Relief

While annoying and an energy drain, tension headaches are not life-threatening, nor do they have a significant deleterious impact on one’s daily life. I recall a patient I treated in my chiropractic practice who experienced a couple tension headaches a week. He initially saught care for lower back pain. When he casually mentioned he had tension headaches I checked him and administered treatment. He was pleasantly surprised when his headaches were virtually eliminated. He noted that while he didn’t alter his daily routine when he had a headache, it was “much easier to live without headaches.”

This article will discuss a specific form of headache called cervicogenic headaches (CGH). It will explore the cause of this condition, reveal research that can bring safe, nonpharmaceutical headache pain relief and a variety of treatment options available to those suffering from this common malady.

Headaches that originate in the neck are called by a variety of names. They may be called tension headaches, stress headaches or cervicogenic headaches. They typically start in the base of the skull or the upper most part of the neck. They are usually bilateral, which means they are on both sides of the head. In the most painful phase, they may radiate into the temples and the forehead.

They do not cause a person to be nauseous or incapacitated as with a migraine. They can however sap one’s energy, cause a lack of focus and concentration, and reduce a persons productivity.

Research reveals that up to 4% of the general population and up to one-in-six chronic headache  

sufferers may be affected by CGH. There are many studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of chiropractic care for CGH, often involving a multi modal approach.

The vertebrae of the neck are also known as the cervical spine. When the vertebrae of the upper neck become misaligned or move improperly, they irritate nerves which travel into the head and trigger tension headaches. Since the headaches originate in the cervical spine, they are called cervicogenic headaches.

Chiropractors are professionals trained to diagnose and treat physical, mechanical alignment problems of spine pain. Chiropractors are the preeminent healthcare providers, when it comes to relieving CGH by utilizing chiropractic adjustments to realign and restore proper motion to the upper cervical vertebrae Most patients who go to chiropractors find that having a chiropractic adjustment is a safe, gentle, pleasant experience because it relieves tightness and spasm of the muscles by correcting the deeper spinal misalignment.

Doctors of chiropractic will also prescribe stretching and strengthening exercises to improve patient’s posture. Advice regarding daily activities such as work ergonomics, what type of pillow to use and types of physically stressful activities to avoid are imparted.

Anyone suffering from CGH may find it beneficial to consult with a doctor of chiropractic. There are usually a number of methods to bring about headache pain relief by reducing the number and intensity of ones headaches.

Visit here for more about McKnight Road headache pain relief. See this site for information about a  headache pain relief chiropractor near me.

Is My Pain From Tight Muscles Or Could It Be from Something Else?

Tight Muscles Pain Relief

During the past 35 years of my chiropractic practice, I have been asked many times “Is my neck and back pain from tight muscles or could it be something else?” This article will discuss muscular pain, and other sources of discomfort and how relief of neck and back pain can be achieved.

Recently a patient in her early 30s came to my office with a complaint of chronic lower back pain. Her job required her to perform rigorous physical activities of installing flooring and carpeting. She told me that her discomfort was interfering with her ability to perform her work duties. She was afraid that she would have to discontinue that line of work and take another vocation because of her condition.

When I asked her what she had done previously to help with the problem, she told me she had seen orthopedic specialists who gave her steroid medication and muscle relaxers. She had also seen physical therapists who gave her stretching exercises. She noted these measures gave her some temporary relief but didn’t completely resolve her pain.

When I examined her, we found that she definitely had muscle spasms of her low back. However, her examination revealed a more significant deeper problem. Her muscles were tight and in spasm because they were trying to protect deeper spinal joint misalignments.

I told her that the body will always work to protect an injured area. In her case, her muscles were chronically tight and in spasm because they were doing what they are supposed to do to keep her condition from worsening.

Let’s take a moment to explain the difference between muscular pain and pain from other sources. If we over-use our muscles, they can be sore and go into some degree of spasm; it might be mild, or it could be severe. Typically, this muscle discomfort eases over the course of several days as the body heals itself. This is a completely normal type of healing.

However, if the source of the condition is from a deeper problem, such as a misalignment of spinal joints, superficial muscular pain will be continuous and become chronic. If this is the case treatment of the muscles will only result in temporary, minimal pain relief at best. To correct the problem, we must address the deeper source of pain. Pain relief can only occur if we solve what’s causing the problem.

In my patient’s case, treatment consisted of utilizing gentle, chiropractic spinal adjustments to correct the misalignments of the spinal bones of her back. After her first treatment she immediately felt the muscular spasm relax and loosen. She said: “Wow, I feel looser already!” It took some more treatments of safe, chiropractic adjustments to fully correct the deeper alignment problem so that she could perform her job free of pain.

Chiropractors are the preeminent healthcare providers, when it comes to relieving spinal neck pain and pain of the lower spine. Chiropractors are the only professionals trained to diagnose and treat physical, mechanical alignment problems of spine pain. Most patients who go to chiropractors find that having a chiropractic adjustment is a safe, pleasant experience because it relieves tightness and spasm of the muscles by correcting the deeper spinal misalignment. The number of treatments and visits a patient will required to attain relief of their neck and back spinal pain will depend on how long they’ve had the condition and its severity.

Remember, sore muscles should normally heal after a few days of rest. If, however, chronic muscular tightness, stiffness or spasm persists, it is most likely due to a deeper spinal misalignment problem. In this case, it is prudent to seek gentle, safe chiropractic care for muscle pain relief.

Visit here to learn more about McKnight Road neck and back pain relief. See this site for information about a neck and lower back pain relief chiropractor near me.


Tim Marquette

Name:  Tim Marquette


I had terrible shoulder and neck pain and constant headaches.  I also had frequent flair-ups of sciatica.


I mostly just tried to stretch and get massages when I could.  I also took over the counter pain relievers.


I had been told for over a decade to seek Chiropractic care, but never did until my dear friend recommended Dr. Schofield.


First and foremost, Dr. Schofield made me feel comfortable.  He helped educate me about this type of care which empowered me to receive and follow through with treatment.  The adjustments and electrical stimulation gave me instant relief and the stretches/exercises he taught me are now part of my daily health routine.


I am a musician (singer and pianist).  I sing with the Pittsburgh Opera and Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh.  I also love traveling and hiking.


I am much more aligned and comfortable in my body.  This has improved my singing and I have been able to help my voice students too!  I can play the piano for longer periods of time without pain!


Without constant headaches, I am much more pleasant to be around!  Also- now that my teaching is all virtual (2020), I have tools to help reduce inflammation when neck, shoulder, and sciatic tension builds. 


You deserve to take care of yourself!  I made excuses for years- but now I have never felt better.  I was also nervous about Chiropractic care but Dr. Schofield put me at ease!  Go for it- you are worth it!

Visit here to learn more about McKnight Road back pain relief. See this site for information about a neck pain relief chiropractor near me.